UX/UI Design

E-ccomerce Responsive Site

UX/UI Case Study

Coral is an online B2C responsive store of natural cosmetics and beauty products that are suitable for everyone.
Created with natural ingredients and dead sea minerals.

My Role:

User Research


Project Timeline:
3 weeks


 1.  Usually there is a long process from launching the website until the final order complete.

 2.  Existing modes of payment on e-commerce applications and websites are not convenient and don’t feel secure.

 3. Most websites don’t allow checkouts without a sign in/create account option.


 1. Develop a simple user flow for product purchase with a fast checkout, enabling orders from home screen.

 2. Design an easy, secure and convenient way of making payments through accredited payments gateways.

 3. Develop a website/app that allows customers to place orders in guest mode, without the need to sign in.


Competitor Analysis:

User Persona:


After conducting the case study I noticed two main issues on most B2C websites/apps:

 1. On some websites placing orders from home page is not possible and the price is shown after adding the products to cart.

2. Most websites don’t allow ordering products on guest mode (the customer must sign in or log in before placing the order).

User Flow:

High Fidelity Wireframes:
